
Revision as of 10:45, 17 December 2008 by Wila (talk | contribs)

vimsh vmsvc/get.runtime

Usage: get.runtime vmid

Get runtime information

You can use vmsvc/getallvms to retrieve the vmid

example output when vm is off

vmsvc/get.runtime 4400
Runtime information
(vim.vm.RuntimeInfo) {
   dynamicType = <unset>, 
   host = 'vim.HostSystem:ha-host', 
   connectionState = "connected", 
   powerState = "poweredOff", 
   toolsInstallerMounted = false, 
   suspendTime = <unset>, 
   bootTime = <unset>, 
   suspendInterval = 0, 
   question = (vim.vm.QuestionInfo) null, 
   memoryOverhead = 71675904, 
   maxCpuUsage = 2392, 
   maxMemoryUsage = 256, 
   numMksConnections = 0, 

example output when vm is on

vmsvc/get.runtime 2200 
Runtime information
(vim.vm.RuntimeInfo) {
   dynamicType = <unset>, 
   host = 'vim.HostSystem:ha-host', 
   connectionState = "connected", 
   powerState = "poweredOn", 
   toolsInstallerMounted = false, 
   suspendTime = <unset>, 
   bootTime = "2008-12-13T12:04:27.476613+01:00", 
   suspendInterval = 0, 
   question = (vim.vm.QuestionInfo) null, 
   memoryOverhead = 87277568, 
   maxCpuUsage = 4186, 
   maxMemoryUsage = 384, 
   numMksConnections = 0, 