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vimsh vmsvc/get.capability

Usage: get.capability vmid

Get list of capabilities for virtual machine.

You can use vmsvc/getallvms to retrieve the vmid

Example output

[/]$ vmsvc/get.capability 4400
(vim.vm.Capability) {
   dynamicType = <unset>,
   snapshotOperationsSupported = true,
   multipleSnapshotsSupported = true,
   snapshotConfigSupported = true,
   poweredOffSnapshotsSupported = true,
   memorySnapshotsSupported = true,
   revertToSnapshotSupported = true,
   quiescedSnapshotsSupported = true,
   disableSnapshotsSupported = false,
   lockSnapshotsSupported = false,
   consolePreferencesSupported = true,
   cpuFeatureMaskSupported = true,
   s1AcpiManagementSupported = true,
   settingScreenResolutionSupported = false,
   toolsAutoUpdateSupported = true,
   vmNpivWwnSupported = true,
   npivWwnOnNonRdmVmSupported = false,
   swapPlacementSupported = true,
   toolsSyncTimeSupported = true,
   virtualMmuUsageSupported = true,
   diskSharesSupported = true,
   bootOptionsSupported = true,
   settingVideoRamSizeSupported = true,