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vimsh vmsvc/get.guest
Usage: get.guest vmid
Get guest information
You can use vmsvc/getallvms to retrieve the vmid
Example output
[/]$ vmsvc/get.guest 4400 Guest information: (vim.vm.GuestInfo) { dynamicType = <unset>, toolsStatus = "toolsOk", toolsVersion = "103908", guestId = "ubuntuGuest", guestFamily = "linuxGuest", guestFullName = "Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)", hostName = "vi-toolkit", ipAddress = "", net = (vim.vm.GuestInfo.NicInfo) [ (vim.vm.GuestInfo.NicInfo) { dynamicType = <unset>, network = "Virtual Machines Network", ipAddress = (string) [ "" ], macAddress = "00:0c:18:4e:13:27", connected = true, deviceConfigId = 4000, } ], disk = (vim.vm.GuestInfo.DiskInfo) [ (vim.vm.GuestInfo.DiskInfo) { dynamicType = <unset>, diskPath = "/", capacity = 30027378176, freeSpace = 10655812096, } ], screen = (vim.vm.GuestInfo.ScreenInfo) { dynamicType = <unset>, width = 0, height = 0, }, guestState = "running", }