vmrun is a command line utility that can be used to run certain automation tasks easily. It is easy to make it part of a script and do things like start a particular VM, create a snapshot, run a program in the guest, etcetera.

Limitations while running the VM in the GUI

There are some things you can't do things while the VM is open in the UI, but other things should work.

Things you can do:

  • Power off the VM
  • Suspend the VM
  • Create a snapshot
  • Revert to a snapshot (need to verify)
  • Pause and unpause the VM
  • Power on the VM using the 'gui' option
  • Perform guest operations (runProgramInGuest, listDirectoryInGuest, etc.)
  • Start and stop recording
  • Mount the Tools installer
  • Run any vProbes commands
  • Change the shared folder settings (add, remove, enable) of a running VM.

Things you cannot do:

  • Upgrade the VM's virtual hardware
  • Power on the VM using the 'nogui' option
  • Change the shared folder settings (add, remove, enable) of a powered off or suspended VM