Vimsvc/auth/role permissions

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vimsh vimsvc/auth/role_permissions

Usage: role_permissions roleName

Gets defined permissions associated with a role. The roleName is case sensitive.

example output

Here's the output of the command when executed against a default setup on an ESX3.5iU3 host.

# vmware-vim-cmd -H -U root -P password vimsvc/auth/role_permissions Anonymous
(vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission) []

# vmware-vim-cmd -H -U root -P password vimsvc/auth/role_permissions ReadOnly
(vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission) []

# vmware-vim-cmd -H -U root -P password vimsvc/auth/role_permissions Admin
(vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission) [
   (vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission) {
      dynamicType = <unset>,
      entity = 'vim.Folder:ha-folder-root',
      principal = "dcui",
      group = false,
      roleId = -1,
      propagate = true,
   (vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission) {
      dynamicType = <unset>,
      entity = 'vim.Folder:ha-folder-root',
      principal = "root",
      group = false,
      roleId = -1,
      propagate = true,