PowerCLI: HL Tools – Part 2 – Create a nested hypervisor

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Create a nested hypervisor

author: Luc Dekens


From Luc's Home Lab series, the script to create a nested hypervisor VM. This will let you create a ESX or HyperV hypervisor VM for your lab so that you can experiment as much as you'd want without breaking anything important.


the following example (from his page) displays how-to create 3 nested ESX VM's and boot them after creation.

$esx = Get-VMHost -Name MyLab
$pgName = "Internal"
$pgObj = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name $pgName
$pg = 1..4 | %{$pgObj}

$nestedParams = @{
  Name = $null
  VMHost = $esx
  DiskGB = 8
  NumCpu = 2
  MemoryGB = 8
  Portgroup = $pg
  CD = $true
  ISOPath = "[datastore1] ISO/VMware-VMvisor-Installer-5.1.0-799733.x86_64.iso"
  ESXi = $true

1..3 | %{
  $nestedParams.Name = "ESX$($_)"
  $newesx = New-NestedHypervisor @nestedParams
  Start-VM -VM $newesx -Confirm:$false

