PowerCLI: Get number of vCPU's used in cluster

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Get number of vCPU's used in a cluster

author: Alan Renouf


Based on the getNumofvCPUInCluster.pl script from William Lam, Alan wrote the Powershell variant.

Allows you to retrieve the number of vCPU's used in the cluster you provide as a parameter.


Cluster: Production
Host: vmgesx01.vmguru.com
Misc.RunningVCpuLimit: 128
Number of vCPU on host: 4
Host: vmgesx02.vmguru.com
Misc.RunningVCpuLimit: 128
Number of vCPU on host: 3
Host: vmgesx03.vmguru.com
Misc.RunningVCpuLimit: 128
Number of vCPU on host: 2
Host: vmgesx04.vmguru.com
Misc.RunningVCpuLimit: 128
Number of vCPU on host: 5 
Number of vCPU in Production: 14

