PowerCLI: Change Virtual Machines Guest OS Names

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PowerCLI: Change Virtual Machines Guest OS Names

author: Rawlinson


The script displayed here queries the VM name at the host level and will use that to set the name of the operating system within the guest OS. The example code here is used for windows guests.


$VMs = Get-VM | Where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"} 

Foreach ($VM in $VMS){
      $VCName = $VM.Name
      $WinName = $VM.Guest.Hostname
      If ($WinName -ne $VCName) {
            Write-Host "$VCName is currently $WinName... renaming"
            $renamecomputer = "wmic path win32_computersystem where ""Name='%computername%'"" CALL rename name='$VCName'"
            Invoke-VMScript -VM $VM -GuestUser "Administrator" -GuestPassword "vmware" -ScriptType Bat -ScriptText $renamecomputer
            restart-vmguest -VM $VM -Confirm:$false


Save as a script and run it.
