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vimsh hostsvc/advopt/settings
Usage: Get the list of all current settings.
Example output
Example output from a pristine ESX 3.5i host.
# vmware-vim-cmd -H -U root -P password hostsvc/advopt/settings (vim.option.OptionValue) [ (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Irq.RoutingPolicy", value = 2, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Irq.BestVcpuRouting", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Irq.IRQRebalancePeriod", value = 50, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Irq.IRQMaxLoadPct", value = 70, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.LogToFile", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.LogToSerial", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.LogWldPrefix", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.MinimalPanic", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.BlueScreenTimeout", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.HeartbeatTimeout", value = 60, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.HeartbeatInterval", value = 10000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.HeartbeatPanicTimeout", value = 1800, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.HeartbeatAnyPcpuPanic", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.MCEMonitorInterval", value = 15, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.DebugMemEnable", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.DebugBuddyEnable", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.EnableHighDMA", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.TimerMinHardPeriod", value = 100, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.TimerMaxHardPeriod", value = 2000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.TimerMinGuestPeriod", value = 100, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.MemAdmitMapEntriesMin", value = 30, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.MemMapEntriesLow", value = 200, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.KVMapGuardUncached", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.SerialPort", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.SerialBaudRate", value = 115200, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.WatchdogBacktrace", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.BHTimeout", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.BhTimeBound", value = 2000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.IntTimeout", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.RunningVCpuLimit", value = 128, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.HordeEnabled", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.AckActual", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.NoWaitOnSocket", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.ScreenSaverDelay", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.CimEnabled", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.CimOemProvidersEnabled", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.CimIHVProvidersEnabled", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.CimWatchdogInterval", value = 60, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.FSSLightWeightProbe", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Misc.ProcVerbose", value = "", }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.MaxPortRxQueueLen", value = 80, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.MaxNetifRxQueueLen", value = 100, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.MaxNetifTxQueueLen", value = 200, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.GuestTxCopyBreak", value = 64, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.VmxnetTxCopySize", value = 256, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.VmxnetWinUDPTxFullCopy", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.UseProc", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.UseLegacyProc", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.NotifySwitch", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.NetTxDontClusterSize", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.NetPktAllocTries", value = 5, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.CoalesceTxTimeout", value = 2000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.CoalesceDefaultOn", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.CoalesceLowTxMsRate", value = 4, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.CoalesceLowRxMsRate", value = 6, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.CoalesceHandlerPcpu", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.CoalesceTxAlwaysPoll", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.vmxnetBHNetPoll", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.vmxnetThroughputWeight", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.EtherswitchHashSize", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.NoLocalCSum", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.PortSerializeInput", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.PortFlushIterLimit", value = 2, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.PortFlushPktLimit", value = 64, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.PortTrackTxRace", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.PortKeepDetailedStats", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.PortDisableTimeout", value = 5000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipHeapSize", value = 9, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipHeapMax", value = 30, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.MaxPageInQueueLen", value = 500, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.MaxBeaconsAtOnce", value = 100, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.MaxBeaconVlans", value = 100, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipNoBcopyRx", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipCopySmallTx", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipLargeRx", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipMaxPktInFlight", value = 1000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipDelayedAck", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.LinkStatePollTimeout", value = 5000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipUseIoat", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TcpipIoatAlwaysWakeup", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.E1000TxZeroCopy", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.E1000TxTsoZeroCopy", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.MinEtherLen", value = 60, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.MaxPktRxListQueue", value = 3500, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.NetBHRxWorkBound", value = 320, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.NetBHRxInputBound", value = 64, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.NetBHRxStormThreshold", value = 320, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.ReversePathFwdCheck", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.AllowPromiscFilters", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.Vmxnet2PinRxBuf", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.TsoDumpPkt", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.IGMPVersion", value = 3, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.IGMPQueries", value = 2, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.NcpLlcSap", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Net.IGMPRouterIP", value = "", }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.BalancePeriod", value = 15, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.SamplePeriod", value = 60, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.IdleTax", value = 75, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.IdleTaxType", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.SampleActivePctMin", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.ShareScanGHz", value = 4, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.ShareScanTime", value = 60, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.ShareRateMax", value = 1024, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.CtlMaxPercent", value = 65, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.AllocHighThreshold", value = 1500, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.AllocGuestLargePage", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.AllocUsePSharePool", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.AllocUseGuestPool", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.AdmitHeapMin", value = 1024, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.MinFreePct", value = 6, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.ShareCOSBufSize", value = 2, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.SwapIORetry", value = 5000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.TestOnAlloc", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.ShareEstimatePeriod", value = 30000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.ShareEstimateProbe", value = 200, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.ShareEstimateSamples", value = 100, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.kernelResvPad", value = 16, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.LogLowMemoryStateUsage", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.LogLowMemoryStateBT", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.SwapDecayPct", value = 5, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.DesiredAllocEnable", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.DesiredAllocPct", value = 125, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.BonusAllocPct", value = 5, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.SwapFilePersist", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.SwapInBatchPages", value = 64, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.SwapAsyncWritePages", value = 20, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.HostLocalSwapDirEnabled", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.TrackUsageAllocAllowance", value = 2048, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.TrackUsageSwapAllowance", value = 2048, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.TrackUsageLPageAllowance", value = 8, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.TrackUsageHeartbeatPeriod", value = 30, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.TrackUsageHeartbeatEnable", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.VMOverheadGrowthLimit", value = -1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Mem.HostLocalSwapDir", value = "", }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.MigratePeriod", value = 20, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.CellMigratePeriod", value = 1000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.WakeupMigrateIdle", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.PcpuMigrateIdle", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.CreditAgePeriod", value = 3000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.BoundLagQuanta", value = 8, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.CacheStats", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.Quantum", value = 50, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.SkewPollUsec", value = 1000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.SkewInstanceThreshold", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.SkewCumulativeThreshold", value = 5000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.IdlePackageRebalancePeriod", value = 541, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.IntraCoreMigrate", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.VMotionMinAllocPct", value = 30, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.VMAdmitCheckPerVcpuMin", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Cpu.CoSchedIdleBalancePeriod", value = 1000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.RebalancePeriod", value = 2000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.MigImbalanceThreshold", value = 10, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.MigThreshold", value = 2, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.MigThrashThreshold", value = 50, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.SwapLoadEnable", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.SwapLocalityEnable", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.RebalanceEnable", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.RebalanceCoresTotal", value = 4, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.RebalanceCoresNode", value = 2, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.MonMigEnable", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.AutoMemAffinity", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.PageMigEnable", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Numa.PostMigUseActiveMetric", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "LPage.LPageDefragEnable", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "LPage.LPageMarkLowNodes", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "LPage.LPageDefragRateVM", value = 2, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "LPage.LPageDefragRateTotal", value = 8, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "LPage.LPageAlwaysTryForNPT", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SharesNormal", value = 1000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SharesHigh", value = 2000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SharesLow", value = 500, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.BandwidthCap", value = 2147483647, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ThroughputCap", value = 2147483647, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SectorMaxDiff", value = 2000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SchedQuantum", value = 8, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SchedNumReqOutstanding", value = 32, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SchedQControlSeqReqs", value = 128, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SchedQControlVMSwitches", value = 6, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.MaxLUN", value = 256, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SupportSparseLUN", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.UseReportLUN", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.UseDeviceReset", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.UseLunReset", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.RetryUnitAttention", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ResetOnFailover", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.PathEvalTime", value = 300, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.MaxVCNotReadyTime", value = 60, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.MaxDS400NotReadyTime", value = 60, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.EnableNaviReg", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.DelayOnBusy", value = 400, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ResetLatency", value = 1000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.MaxResetLatency", value = 2000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ResetPeriod", value = 30, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ResetMaxRetries", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ResetThreadMin", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ResetThreadMax", value = 16, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ResetThreadExpires", value = 1800, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.ResetOverdueLogPeriod", value = 60, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SPBlksToSwitch", value = 2048, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SPCmdsToSwitch", value = 50, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.PreventVMFSOverwrite", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.DumpMaxRetries", value = 10, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.DiskMaxIOSize", value = 32767, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.MaskLUNs", value = "", }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Disk.SANDevicesWithAPFailover", value = "", }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.Enabled", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.PreCopyLeftMB", value = 16, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.PreCopyMinProgressMB", value = 16, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.NetTimeout", value = 20, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.MemChksum", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.TSMaster", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.PageInTimeout", value = 100, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.PageInTimeoutResetOnProgress", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.PageInProgress", value = 15, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Migrate.PageInBeforeResume", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.PassthroughLocking", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.ConflictRetries", value = 80, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.LogMultiPath", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.LogAborts", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.PrintCmdErrors", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.MaxReserveTime", value = 200, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.MaxReserveTotalTime", value = 250, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.MaxReserveBacktrace", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.ReserveBacktrace", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.SCSITimeout_ScanTime", value = 1000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.SCSITimeout_ReabortTime", value = 5000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.ScanOnDriverLoad", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadMin", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadMax", value = 16, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadExpires", value = 1800, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadRetry", value = 40000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadLatency", value = 2000, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.ScsiRestartStalledQueueLatency", value = 500, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.CompareLUNNumber", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "Scsi.ScsiRescanAllHbas", value = 1, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "User.ReaddirRetries", value = 10, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "User.CDROMSenseTimeout", value = 4, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "User.PTEDisableNX", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.IndirectSend", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.DiskFileLockUpdateFreq", value = 10, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.LockUpdateTimeout", value = 5, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.LockRenewMaxFailureNumber", value = 3, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.LockDisable", value = 0, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.HeartbeatFrequency", value = 9, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.HeartbeatTimeout", value = 5, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.HeartbeatDelta", value = 5, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.HeartbeatMaxFailures", value = 3, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.MaxVolumes", value = 8, }, (vim.option.OptionValue) { dynamicType = <unset>, key = "NFS.SendBufferSize", value = 264, }, 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