PowerCLI: Update host from ESXi 5.1 to 5.1 update 1
Rolling updates
author: Alan Renouf
Here Alan shows how you can update your hosts using PowerCLI
List hosts and their versions:
Get-VMhost | Select name, ConnectionState, Version, Build
Put the host into maintenance mode so that we can install the patch:
$vmhost = Get-VMhost pod18-esx01a* $vmhost | Set-VMhost -State Maintenance
Upload the patch to a datastore
$ds = $vmhost | Get-Datastore datastore1* Copy-DatastoreItem C:\Updates\Update-from-esxi5.1-5.1-update1.zip $ds.datastorebrowserpath -Recurse
Install the patch on the host
$esxcli = Get-Esxcli -VMHost $vmhost $esxcli.software.vib.install("/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/Update-from-esxi5.1-5.1-update1.zip",$false,$true,$true,$false,$false)
and reboot
Restart-VMhost -VMHost $vmhost -Confirm:$false
Remove the uploaded patch from the datastore
remove-item ($ds.datastorebrowserpath + "\Update-from-esxi5.1-5.1-update1.zip")