PowerCLI: Install Software in Isolated Virtual Machines

Install Software in virtual machines leveraging the VIX API

author: Aidan Dalgleish


Aidan here is doing something really cool by installing software directly into virtual machines by using the VIX API. This means that you actually do not even need to have a network connected to the virtual machine as the software is transferred via VIX and also installed via that same way.


InstallWinPkgInvCloudVM -CIServer $CIServer -CIUser $CIUser -CIPassword $CIPassword CIVApp "MyTestVM" -Org "COE" -SrcPath "C:\Users\Adalgleish\Downloads\npp.6.3.2.installer.exe" -DstPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\" -Command "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\npp.6.3.2.Installer.exe /S" -VIUser $VIUser -VIPassword $VIPassword -GuestUser $GuestUser -GuestPassword $GuestPassword -NonSupportedGuestOveride

Watch the video on his site to see it in action.

